Facebook Tagging is Back! v 7.6
Little by little, Facebook is letting tools like ours offer features we previously were able to offer you (and then weren’t). We’re so happy to see this trend and we hope you are too! 🎁 FEATURES 🎁 Tagging other pages in your Facebook page posts. It’s back, y’all! Give props to other Facebook pages by typing [...]
Email Login and other Goodies (aka Release Note v7 June 20, 2018)
Ah, adding an email login. It seems so easy to implement — when you’re not a tech person. The process to offer this option proved to be unbelievably complex. But it was nothing that our nimble, dedicated development team couldn’t handle. Please enjoy the fruits of their labor. 🎁 FEATURES 🎁 Email Login Option For [...]
Release v6.210: May 16, 2018
🎁 FEATURES 🎁 View images for Facebook visitor and brand mentions. For visitor posts on your Page (synced in your Inbox) and public posts mentioning your Page (in Listening), you can now view the image larger than a thumbnail (max dimensions 720x720px). Retrieve a list of your banned users on YouTube. On your Fans & [...]