If you’re anything like most marketing agencies, your number one problem headed into the next year is growth.

How do you grow your marketing agency strategically?

In a previous episode with Lee Goff, we talked about how to lock in foolproof sales systems to easily convert the traffic and leads you’re getting today into prospects and customers for tomorrow.

But let’s be honest. Increasing your sales is only a small part of the solution.

Hiring and staffing is another critical component. We talked about having a team structure in another previous episode, and next season, we’ll have a staffing expert expand a bit more on that.

However, there is a third component to solving the growth dilemma that we will cover today: mindset.

Do you have the right approach and mindset to grow your agency successfully?

That’s what we’re covering in today’s episode of Agency Accelerated.

We are live every other Wednesday for the rest of the year at 2:00 pm ET / 11:00 am PT on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Make sure to subscribe to the calendar on the Agorapulse website so you don’t miss any episodes.

It’s no secret that having the right attitude and winning mindset is the secret to most successful agencies. This is why most agencies invest in mindset and having their pitch teams get certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming—including yours truly.

Which is why I’m thrilled to have best-selling author Jairek Robbins on the show with us today.

FastCompany calls him inspiring and says he’ll make your life less ordinary. Forbes says Jairek will teach you how to succeed. In fact, Deepak Chopra will advise you to go to Jairek to help create meaning and fulfillment in your life. Brian Tracy applauds Jairek’s ability to teach people how to develop meaning and purpose in life, and then to make a difference in the lives of others.

If you’re looking for ways to level up in your life and business, then this is the episode for you. Jairek is here today to help you with your marketing agency.

What is the difference that makes a difference?

Part of Jairek’s coaching style is knowing and understanding your values and building a lifestyle you actually want to live.

'How big would your business be if every client who tried doing business with you, whoever bought from you one time or was a client at one point, if every client whoever tried was still an active monthly paying client?'Click To Tweet

Jairek asks this question to the clients he works with. Consider this for your own business. If you upgraded every client you have ever worked with to your current situation (whether your pricing, niche, or mindset has changed), what would that mean for your business? Where would you be?

It’s a question worth thinking about once a week for 30 minutes. Grab a pen and paper, and write it down:

  • Why are people quitting me?
  • Why are people deciding it’s insane to stay with me (instead of insane ever to leave me?)
  • Why are people making that distinction?
  • What’s the difference that makes the difference that would cause it to be insane to ever leave?

Jairek explains there are a couple of ways you can determine what’s the difference that makes the difference for your marketing agency.

First is the “Thinking Time” process, which he learned from a business mentor. With your pen and paper (not a computer), sit down in a quiet place with zero distractions. Flip your phone over, turn off all noise, and set a timer for 30 minutes.

For those 30 minutes, write down repetitively what you believe is the difference that makes the difference for clients choosing or not choosing to do business with you. What is the one thing that actually makes the difference in them making that choice?

If you spend 30 minutes writing this repetitively, you’ll discover some thoughtful answers. Then, narrow the list down to your top five and go ask your clients: “Are these the things that make the difference?” Ask them to put them in order of what matters most to them, or if there’s something not on the list.

There’s nothing worse than giving your clients everything you think they want, except for the one thing they actually want. You don’t want to do that in your business. Once you have their answers, you know how to optimize and finetune your offerings or services to really make a difference and help your clients.

The second crucial step in this process is understanding that if every client you’ve ever worked with were still with you, your business would be huge.

Most of us are obsessed with business growth instead of business success. In this case, a successful business is a highly sustainable, profitable business that delivers exceptional world-class results. Most of us are not focused on that; we’re focused on creating a bigger business.

When Jairek works with clients, he compares and contrasts two different businesses: one is a $30 million a year business, while the other is a $1 million. He asks his clients what one they want. Typically, the answer is the $30 million business.

But, what if the $30 million business has $29 million in expenses a year and lands with only $50,000 in net profit? In contrast, the $1 million business has $500,000 in expenses but $400,000 in net profit. If you stick with the $30 million business, that’s a huge mountain to climb for only $50,000.

'The obsession of always wanting more and that bigger is always better is not true. Most businesses choke to death from indigestion; they don't starve to death.'Click To Tweet

The one exception is a start-up company. Start-ups could starve to death if they don’t gain enough traction. But, a business that already has momentum will choke to death if they try to handle too much business. In that sense, they are in danger of angering and losing customers.

Instead, follow through with max capacity. Focus on a small number of clients, over deliver your offerings, and make the difference that makes the difference. Rock their world, and you’ll have a highly profitable, lean business and become rich in the process without needing to get “big” to do it.

How can marketing agency owners measure success?

Throughout his career, Jairek has learned people measure success in different ways. For your marketing agency, success can be subjective, and you can measure it as the achievement of ‘xyz.’

Before you can have success in your business, you need to focus on you. Think back to values and what matters most in life.

Most of the time, when people can take care of themselves well enough, and check that box and think, “I don’t really need anything,” there’s a way to know if that’s true based on three questions.

Can you affirm “yes” to:

  1. I am enough
  2. I have enough
  3. I am loved enough

The first, “I am enough,” refers to who you are as a human being. Not what you do in life or what you accomplish, but who you are as a human being, waking up and doing nothing but existing. Are you enough? Can you get to that place mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, where you truly feel it every day and believe it in every molecule of your being?

The second question is, “I have enough.” Can you look around in your life, no matter how much you have or don’t have, and believe you have enough to experience an extraordinary life?

And finally, number three is internal: “I am loved enough.” Can you look at yourself in the mirror and believe you are loved enough? Do you have more than enough love flowing into your life that it is abundantly overflowing from your life?

If you can affirm all three of these questions and genuinely mean it, you don’t need to focus on yourself anymore. You can start focusing on other people, things, processes, or projects that are most important to you. When you make that transition, determine what is most important to you in life.

Jairek recently posed this question to a group of business owners during a training session and gave them three categories:

  1. Relationships (family, intimate, friendships, etc.)
  2. Self (your mind, body, and emotions; who you are)
  3. Work

Then, he asked them to put their answers in three different circles:

  1. The largest takes up the most time
  2. The medium circle takes some of the time
  3. The smallest often gets forgotten about

Jairek noticed a pattern. Everyone wrote work in the largest circle, relationships in the medium, and self in the smallest. He asked the group, “If you could have it all your way… what would the order be?” The group unanimously changed their answers to family, self, and then work; but, they would make enough money from work to cover everything they wanted to do and how they wanted to live.

That correlation is huge.

How do we have to set up our businesses so we can live true to our values? How do we build a business that allows us to live the life we want to live?

How can you build a machine that provides the life for you to go live, instead of living your entire life in the machine of your business just trying to make it work?'Click To Tweet

If your definition of success is freedom in your life, you need to build a better machine that works. You need to have people, processes, and dashboards in place. And, you need a way to measure your success to make sure everything works without your physically needing to be there.

You need to determine ways to create lead acquisitions and conversions. You need to identify max capacity, so you stop going over it and screwing up with your clients. You need mile markers to know if your team is on or off track at different points.

When all of this is in place, it elevates you from an operator to an owner; where you own a machine that works for you, instead of you working for the machine.

Here is an actionable place for you to start. First, determine your three value categories: relationships, self, and work.

Then, create a proper financial budget. Allocate where the money needs to go to grow your business and determine how you want to grow it to maintain profitability or grow profitability.

Then, take out your calendar and create a time budget based on your values and financial budget. Set a goal or target with your values, and determine the resources you need to put aside to get there.

If you put relationships in your largest circle, write down every major family event or holiday. If self comes second, add everything you need to be your happiest, healthiest, and strongest self. Now, look at the time left over. Is there enough time for business that you can make the progress you want?

Take the time to focus on what success means to you and create a schedule that allows you to live the life you want.

More often than not, when we first start our agencies, success is all work. We’re surrounded by other people’s values, beliefs, and attitudes about what success is. Over time and as our lives change, that definition changes, and so our day-to-day lives and habits change too.

How can agencies evaluate and focus their efforts in 2022?

A major challenge many agency owners face is simply spending all their time in their business rather than working on it. But there are ways to evaluate and focus your efforts for the upcoming year.

First, ask yourself why your business isn’t two, three, or even five times bigger? Most importantly, how can you get there without bringing on another client? Why isn’t your business five times profitable with your current clients?

It goes back to identifying why your clients chose you over your competitors. What is that one thing that brought them to you? (Remember, what’s the difference that makes the difference?)

Another question you can ask yourself is how you would run your business if all of your future growth depended on referrals. Would you treat your clients differently if you couldn’t find new clients based on marketing or ads?

Start with those questions and focus on each one for 30 minutes. Really dig into the answers, and you’ll find gold for your planning in 2022.

These questions and more are what Jairek digs into with his clients in his Business Accelerator program.

These questions and more are what Jairek digs into with his clients in his Business Accelerator program. It combines strategic thinking—solving the root causes of what’s going on—and tactile, or how to map out your life. How can you figure out what fits and what doesn’t?

In the program, Jairek uses a system of majors and minors, which reflects OKRs (objectives and key results.) If you look at your time, most businesses can only handle two main projects and three secondary projects after regular day-to-day business. You have to pick and prioritize where you are going to invest in your calendar space each quarter.

Jairek also teaches his clients to create a “For Purpose” business. A successful business isn’t just about making money. It’s about doing what is purposeful for you. Jairek’s goal is always to help people. So, he’s created a business where he gets to do that. Not only in his business but in his non-profit work as well.

How marketing agency owners can attain a growth mindset

To close, Jairek shares his top three tips for marketing agency owners to attain a growth mindset.

First, buy the book, Growth Mindset. Don’t just read it, but really study every chapter and study how to apply it to your own life.

Additionally, follow Jairek’s philosophy: figure out what you want, learn everything you need to get that result, study it, and create your personal Ph.D. Include a 10-year “curriculum” plan to master the subject you want to learn. If you genuinely wish to attain a growth mindset, at least create a 4-year plan for yourself to read, study, practice, and master it.

The second tip is to live it. Once you’ve gathered and learned all of this information, you need to apply it to your life. The real test, if you’ve truly learned, is if you get real results. Can you shift your mind to that growth mindset? Can you step into a disaster situation and believe it’s bringing you one step closer to success?

Finally, the third tip is to give back. Find a way to pay it forward and help others experience bliss as well.

'Learn it. Live it. Pay it forward.'Click To Tweet

To learn more about Jairek and how to elevate your marketing agency, visit his website or his Instagram for fun, life updates.

Remember to subscribe to our calendar to get notified before each episode of Agency Accelerated, live every other Wednesday for the rest of 2021 at 2:00 pm ET / 11:00 am PT on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

If you’re looking for another way to increase and diversify your agency’s revenue streams, Agorapulse has a free webinar to help you do exactly that. Head over to bit.ly/AddAgencyRevenue to sign up for How To Add Agency Revenue By Adding Social Media Services. Get ready to learn and start driving more revenue from social media services.

Full Transcript

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[00:00:00] Stephanie Liu: So listen, friend. If you’re anything like most marketing agencies, your number one problem headed into the next year is most likely going to be growth. How do you grow your marketing agency strategically? That’s the question that we’ll be talking about today. And in fact, in a previous episode with Lee Goff, one of my favorite episodes, we had talked about how to lock in a fool-proof sales system so that the traffic and leads that you get today easily convert into prospects and customers for tomorrow. But let’s be honest, increasing your sales is only a part of the solution. Hiring and staffing is another critical component. And we’ve also talked about that in one of our Agency Accelerated episodes about team structure. Right? In fact, for those of you that are really interested in that topic in the next season, we’ll have a staffing expert join the show to expand on that a bit more.

But the thing that we’re going to talk about today, the third component to really solving the growth dilemma that we’re going to really nail on today is mindset. Do you have the right approach and mindset to successfully grow your agency? That’s what we’re covering in today’s episode of Agency Accelerated.

Welcome back to Agency Accelerated where we explore ways to grow and scale your agency with some of the most trusted brands and experts in the industry. I’m Stephanie Liu and we’re live every other Wednesday at 2:00 PM Eastern Time, 11:00 AM Pacific Time on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and of course, LinkedIn. So make sure you head on over to agorapulse.com/calendar and subscribe so you don’t miss any episodes and make sure to stay until the very end, because you’ll get a chance to get your hands on an easy way to add more revenue to your marketing agency.

Now, having said that, it’s no secret that having the right attitude and winning mindset is the secret to most successful agencies, which is why most agencies invest in mindset and having their pitch teams get certified in neuro-linguistic programming, including yours truly, which is why I’m absolutely thrilled to have the best-selling author Jairek Robbins on the show with us today. Listen, friends, FastCompany calls him inspiring and says, he’ll make your life less ordinary. How about that?

Bob says Jairek will teach you how to succeed. In fact, Deepak Chopra will advise you to go to Jairek to help create meaning and fulfillment in your life. Brian Tracy applies Jairek’s ability to teach people how to develop meaning and purpose in life, and then to make a difference in the lives of others.

So if you’re looking for ways to level up your life and in your business, then this is the episode for you. Jairek is here today on Agency Accelerated to help you with your marketing agency. Jairek, welcome to the show. How you doing?

[00:03:00] Jairek Robbins: Thanks for having me. It’s good to be here.

[00:03:02] Stephanie Liu: How are you feeling?

[00:03:04] Jairek Robbins: I was taking notes on a few things you were leading in with that I think are worth chatting about.

[00:03:09] Stephanie Liu: Oh, I love that. See? You got to love it, friends. When you have a guest, that’s like, you know it, that’s exactly what we’re going to hone in on today. So, good, good, good. So, Jairek, in the last episode, we had our good friend, agency coach, Lee Goff, and he was absolutely terrific because he was talking about how to build a better sale systems to grow.

And at one point, my favorite part in the interview is that we started talking about the importance of knowing your values and building a business around the lifestyle by design of what it is that you want to accomplish. For that reason, I’m so excited to talk to you about this in talking about what it is that you do specifically and the kind of coaching that you do.

And so what do you mean when you say For Purpose Business?

[00:03:50] Jairek Robbins: Sure. So, there’s one piece. I’ll go back real quick to something you said that I think is incredibly important. And I’ll ask this to you, but kind of to everyone who’s watching as well. The first question I’d start with is how big would your business be if every client who ever tried doing business with you, whoever bought from you one time or was a client at one point, if every client, whoever tried you was still an active monthly paying client. My question is, how big would your business be?

[00:04:24] Stephanie Liu: That’s a really good question. I would say, for me, personally, I think the shifts in my business and where it’s gone has changed.

So, let’s say the first client that I ever had in year one, would not be the same client that I would want to have in year six of business because the pricing, the temperament and the mindset was completely different back then.

Is that what you mean?

[00:04:43] Jairek Robbins: And I’ll say it another way. There’s this lady I met, she was struggling because of the pandemic.

She’s a professional baker. She bakes those giant fancy wedding cakes. She’s based in London, England. So she has weddings and corporate events like these massive, beautiful multi-thousand-dollar tapes. And at the time COVID happened, she moved out to the countryside. She was around nobody who could afford her cakes.

Cause they can’t afford that in a little village, she said. And I said, wait a second. All your sales are based on one-time sales. I said, how many people have ever bought a cake from you? And she’s like, I don’t mean to brag, but I’m kind of famous. Like I’ve been doing this a very long time. People know me, like there’s a reason they paid 9,000, 10,000 pounds for a cake from me.

I was like, 10 grand for a cake? That’d be good cake. My gosh. She thought about it and was kind of puzzled. And she smiled and looked up and said, if every person who’s ever bought, one of my cakes was an actively monthly paying client. She goes, honestly, I’d own the BBC. Whoa. Well, why aren’t they? Why aren’t every person that’s ever bought from you, an actively paying client?

Now you made a distinction. I don’t want the clients at that price point at that stage, with that mindset. I’m saying, if you upgraded all of them to your current situation and they were all actively paying clients, I did that number with another agency, another company they said over the years, they’ve had a 4,000 people buy their stuff from them.

4,000 people. That’s amazing. It’s like, okay, 4,000 humans. I said, what’s your average monthly package you sell? And I forget the exact number, but let’s say it’s a thousand bucks a month. So is it okay, 4,000 times 997, that’s $4 million a month of recurring revenue you’d have right now, if they were all actively paying clients and they were like, well, I don’t think I could handle 4,000.

I’m like, different problem, but let’s handle the real problem. Why aren’t they still actively paying clients? The good ones, not the pain in the butts, not the people we fired, but the good ones. Why aren’t they still doing business with you? And if we stopped and paused, this circles back, this was a question we’re thinking about at least once a week for about 30 minutes. It’s worth writing down and saying, why are people quitting me?

Why are people deciding that it’s insane to stay with me instead of insane to ever leave me?

[00:07:19] Stephanie Liu: Wow.

[00:07:21] Jairek Robbins: Why are people making that distinction? What’s the difference that would make the difference that would cause it to become insane to ever leave?

[00:07:31] Stephanie Liu: How do they actually find out what’s the difference that will make the difference?

[00:07:35] Jairek Robbins: A couple of ways. One is a process I was taught by a businessmen to remind that’s called thinking time. And what I mean by that is taking a pen and paper, not a keyboard and a mouse. It’s a pen and paper to get it out of your mind. And you’re going to sit down in a quiet place with zero distractions.

Flip your phone over, turn off all the noise and set a timer for 30 minutes. And for 30 minutes repetitively answer, what do you believe the difference that makes the difference is for a client choosing to do business with fewer clients, choosing not to do business with. What is the one thing that actually makes the difference and then making that choice?

And if you spend 30 minutes writing and writing and writing and writing, you will get some really thoughtful answers. I would narrow it down to your top five and then take those and go ask. Ask your clients. There’s nothing worse than in this makes sense in relationships. Now he’s using an example is kind of funny.

Is there anything worse than someone who gives you every thing they imagine you want, except for the one thing you actually wanted. Right? Cause you’re like, they’re trying so hard. Like, look, they’re really putting in the effort, but all I want is this. And they gave me everything, except for this. You don’t want to do that in your business.

And so when we asked the question, what’s the difference that makes the difference? Brainstorm 30 minutes of thinking time, and then take the answers, narrow it down the top five and go ask your clients. Are these the things that make the difference, put them in order for me, which ones matter most, or if there’s something not on the list that makes the difference, please add it for me so I become aware of that. And now, you know what to optimize for. Now you know what to fine tune. The other part of this thought, just to bring it back together, then we’ll go into mindset. But the other part of this thought that’s important is if every client was still with you, whoever tried you, most of our businesses would be really big. Really big.

The other piece of that is, most of us are obsessed with business growth, instead of business success. And what I mean is a successful business is a highly sustainable profitable business that continues to deliver exceptional, world-class results. Most of us are not focused on that. We’re focused with how do we make a bigger business?

I had a recent client come on and we do this whole thing when we teach people of the difference between a big business and the difference between someone who has a business that’s making them rich. And we compare and contrast the two. And I always give some examples where right on one side of the board, they have a $30 million business.

This side only has a $1 million a year business. I’ll stop there. Which one do you want? Most people go shoot 30 million a year. Sounds pretty good. And I go, okay, let’s keep going with the story. This one has $29 million. This one only has 500,000 of it cost of goods sold. Then we go down and I’m like, okay, now, which one do you want?

And they’re like, well, the big one still makes more money, so I’ll take it. And then they go, oh, then we put the expenses in and we keep going. We all the way down to net profit. And the small business lands up with, let’s say $400,000 in net profit. And the big business lands up with $50,000 in net profit.

And I go, okay, which one do you want? And they go, whoa. And I say, let me phrase this a different way. A $30 million mountain is a really big mountain to have to climb. They only get to keep $50,000. That’s a lot of brain damage you have to go through to keep 50 grand. Go get a job for a hundred grand.

You’ll make double the money and probably have half the work to do.

[00:11:31] Stephanie Liu: Company matching 401k, too.

[00:11:33] Jairek Robbins: Totally. What are you doing? Why would you hurt your brain so bad by trying to make 30 million bucks and only keep 50 grand. And that’s the obsession of growth. The obsession of more, the obsession of bigger is better. It’s not true.

One of my mentors told me, most businesses choked to death from indigestion. They don’t starve to death.

[00:11:55] Stephanie Liu: Wow. I needed a sound effect for that, but I’m terrified. I don’t want you to get kicked off the internet.

[00:12:02] Jairek Robbins: Do not blow me off the internet. Sound effects, please. Say it again. Most businesses choked to death from indigestion. They do not starve to death. Now that’s not fair to say to startups.

Startups could starve to death, if you don’t get enough traction. But a business that has momentum, it’s working, the bigger danger is choking to death, trying to handle too much business and losing customers and pissing them off and causing them to hate you and leave. Then it really is truly, if you just keep a small amount, we call it max capacity and you really over deliver.

You do the difference that makes the difference for them and you rock their world. Most of us can have a highly profitable, lean business and make a ton of money and become really rich in the process without needing to get big to do it.

[00:12:51] Stephanie Liu: That’s something that you don’t often hear these days is building a profitable, lean business.

It’s always, how do I get bigger? How do I outsource? How do I do more and more and more, more, more? Yeah. It’s interesting. So, Jairek, how would you tell agencies today? How would you have them talk about success differently then? How should they start measuring success?

[00:13:16] Jairek Robbins: I’ve heard people say, well, success is up to you.

Success is what you want it to be. And then I had someone else chime in and go that’s complete crap. No, it’s not. Success is achievement of whatever you’re focused on. Like stop trying to change definitions. I’m like, okay, I gotta like that too. I like both sides. And what I’ve learned is, if you sit down and you ask yourself, going back to values, what’s most important to you in life? What I’ve found is, when people can take care of themselves well enough, that they can check that box and go, I’m good as a human, I don’t really need anything. There’s a way to know if that’s true and it’s three questions.

Can you affirm yes to the three questions, which are: I am enough. I have enough, and I’m loved enough. I am enough, meaning who I am as a human being, not a human doing, not what I accomplish, not what I do. Just me as a human being by waking up doing nothing but existing. I’m enough. There’s nothing I need to do to be an I’m enough as a human being.

Can you get to that place mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, where you truly, truly feel it every day and you believe it in every molecule of your being. I am enough. Number two. I have enough. Can you look around in your life no matter how much you have or don’t have, can you look around your life and say, yeah, I’ve got enough.

I’ve got enough to have a great life. I really love the situation I’m in. I love it this way. I have enough, check. The third one is an internal piece. Can you look yourself straight in the mirror and can you say, you know what? I’m loved enough. I have more than enough love flowing into my life and abundantly overflowing from my life.

If you can say, I am enough, I have enough. I’m loved enough, truly, truly mean it, in every ounce of your being, then we can check you off the list. You don’t have to focus on that anymore, which means you don’t have to focus on yourself and you can start focusing on other people, things or processes or projects that are most important to you.

When you make that transition, now we asked the question. Now that you’re handled, what is most important to you in life? And you got to step back and decide. For most people, I just did that. We have a group of business owners we trained from all over the world. I just asked this question to them. And the question was, what’s most important to you?

And I said, I’ll give you three main categories. There’s lots of stuff where there’s just chunk it up to three categories. I said, you get a big circle, a medium circle and a small circle. And you decide which goes in which circle. And I said, you get relationships. This can be family, intimate, friendships, just relationships.

You get self, you, your mind, your body, your emotions, who you are, and you get work. There’s school for some people, but work more or less. As you decide, one of them gets the big circle that takes up the majority of time. One of them gets the medium circle that takes up the rest of the time. And one of them gets the little circle, which oftentimes get forgotten.

You decide which one goes in which circle. And the pattern I noticed was everyone currently was writing work, family, self. And I said, okay, that’s how your life looks right now. Work, family stuff. I said if you could have it all your way. One of my favorite phrases, it doesn’t mean you get it your way. It’s just that if you could have it all your way. If you could have it all your way, what would the order be?

And unanimously, this group from nine countries around the world, business owners from a hundred thousand a year to 48 million bucks a year, all of them said if I could have it on my way, it would be family, self, and then work, but I would make enough money from work that I’d easily be able to cover everything I want to do and how I want to live.

That’s important. And so, that’s a big question. How do we have to set up our business so we can live true to the values we have? How do we build a business that allows us to live the life we want to live? And so, this concept of success is, can you build a machine that provides the life for you to go live instead of living your entire life in the machine of your business just trying to make it work?

[00:17:34] Stephanie Liu: I love that.

[00:17:35] Jairek Robbins: And I said, okay, we’ve got to build a better machine if you want that kind of freedom from it. Meaning it’s got to work. You need people, processes, dashboards, way to measure to make sure everything’s working without you having to physically be there. We need to know how to create lead acquisition, lead conversion.

How do identify what max capacity is? You stop going over it and screwing up your clients. You got to have your north star. You have to have mile markers to know if your team’s on track or off track at different points. You gotta know your daily habits and rhythms. I mean, these are basic stuff, but you got to put all of these in place.

And when all this is in place, I think it elevates you from an operator up to an owner. You owning a machine that’s working for you instead of you working for the machine. I was waiting for my sound effect.

You know that thing at the fair where you hit it and it like goes and hits the ding. I was like value ball. I hit it and it went like…

[00:18:33] Stephanie Liu: No. It was more like, that was so good. And I was soaking in, I was looking at the comments and I was like, I swear, my goodness. If the tech gods were like, well, there’s the sound effect.

We got to do something. That was good. I love that you use that metaphor and the different circles. And it reminds me very much of, you’ve probably heard this metaphor too, where they talk about the rocks and the gravel and the sand, and you have a container. And how are you going to fill it in first?

And so, as you were describing the different circles, that’s exactly what I was picturing in my mind. How are you going to fill that up? And how are you going to build a business for that? And even when you were talking about the machine, I don’t know about you, but I’m a big sci-fi nerd. I was like the machine, the Terminator who’s in control.

So, how could you build a business that works for you? And you could build a life around that versus constantly clocking in. And I think this is really an important topic to talk about.

[00:19:26] Jairek Robbins: If you turn that around, I’ll show you the place to start. If you take out your calendar and we just did this with all our members, we gave them a whole template we created, which is called a time budget.

So we know about creating financial budgets. Hopefully, you don’t take last year’s expenses, divide by 12 and put it in every month. That is not a budget. That’s a fairy tale of nonsense. You need to actually do a proper budget, which is allocating the percentage of growth compared to budget, totally different game.

But if you do a proper financial budget and you’ve allocated where the money needs to go to grow the business, how you want to grow it or to maintain profitability or grow profitability. If you’ve done it properly, then you know the process. If you take that over to your calendar, and now I ask you the same question as a financial budget.

What are the resources you need to put aside in order to get to the goal or target you want to get to? Now, most of us fail to do this. We don’t take out our calendar and say, okay, here’s how much goes to each category. And all of a sudden you realize, whoa, this thing is full.

But before you get to that part in business, the very first thing that put in your calendars, according to your values, if people want your family to come first, take every major family thing you want to do and put it in your calendar first. If self is going to come second, take all the things you need to do to be your happiest, healthiest, strongest, and most fulfilled self and put those in your calendar second. Then, with whatever’s leftover say, okay, do I have enough leftover for business that I can actually make the progress I want to make?

And the answer is yes or no. If it’s yes, high five yourself. You’ve got a plan. If it’s no, then you’ve got to ask a question, which is, what am I going to give up in order to go have the progress I want? And I either need to change the progress I want and say, okay, I’m not going to get as far as I thought I would this year, because I’m giving more to myself or family, or you got to take something away from yourself or family and give it to the business.

And so, I always say, I like planning my family first. Then I plan myself. Then I use what’s left over to say, how much progress can I make with my business with that amount of time?

[00:21:32] Stephanie Liu: I love that. Every time I get a new planner, it’s birthdays, anniversaries, weekends. And then, now that my daughter goes to school, she’s six.

Okay. When’s her fall break? When’s her winter break and then plan my business around that. Because to your point, it’s like, I know what the first six months of 2022 is going to look like and how much time I can dedicate towards that. And then the second half of the year, I usually don’t do as much because I live in San Diego and I like to go to the beaches, or I like to do certain things with family.

And so I know that that’s where majority of the anniversaries are. So thank you so much for sharing that. It was always one of those things where I’m like, do other people think like this? Yeah, because more often than not, I feel like when we’re starting our agencies or, entering into our careers, we’re surrounded by other people’s values, beliefs and attitudes of what success is.

And success means working on Thanksgiving. Success means working on Black Friday, so you could make bigger sales and all the different things. So, that’s helpful. Hey, we’re talking about how to develop the kinds of habits and mindsets that marketing agencies can put in place to grow and scale faster. And I’ll even say, like, we’ve been talking a lot about principles Jairek’s been sharing, not only apply to business itself, but really it kind of starts off with you and understanding what’s most important to you. But first, I want to give you a quick story about how one agency in particular, Stony Creek is currently growing by leveraging Agorapulse. So let’s do that and then let’s get back to the show.

I love social media. I love what we do. One of my sayings is that I feel like we’re changing the world one post at a time and the positivity, it’s just, you know, who I am.

Currently, we are growing leaps and bounds. We, just in the last couple of years, have expanded our office. We’re getting ready to expand again. We manage over 150 accounts just on Agorapulse. So it has to be user-friendly for me and everyone that works with it. And it has to be something that I know that I can rely on, that I can trust.

Like I said, the biggest feature that we have is just the dashboard that it is so easy to use and that anybody can use it. And actually one of the reasons why I switched from the company that I had used before, was that the lack thereof of customer service. If not the best one, the best companies to deal with as far as customer service.

Friend, if you’d like to learn more about how Agorapulse can help thousands of agencies grow and scale their business, head on over to bit.ly/AdAgencyRevenue for a free webinar. So having said that, let’s get back to Jairek because I don’t know about you, but he has been just shutting down the internet with all these value bombs today.

So, Jairek, let’s get back to agency owners in marketing, specifically. They spend a lot of their time in their business rather than working on it. We talked about the circles, the big, the small, and the medium one. What are some of the progress and planning questions that agency owners can answer to really evaluate and focus their efforts in the upcoming year?

If it’s different, from what you’ve already shared with us in the calendars.

[00:24:48] Jairek Robbins: You could start with a really simple question. Why isn’t my business already 2x the size that currently is. This is an important question. Why isn’t it? Why isn’t it twice as big as it already is? And you could change that question to go along with what we started with is why isn’t my business five times as profitable? Meaning, without growing another client. Why am I not five times more profitable off the current clients I have? If you wanted to think a little deeper, going back to what’s the difference that makes the difference. If I can really identify, why do they choose us versus everyone else?

What is the thing that causes them to come here? You just heard from one of the clients, customer service is one of the things that makes the difference for that client. If you want to keep thinking and keep digging through these types of questions, how would I run my business? If all of my future growth was dependent on referrals only.

How would I run my business if all of my future growth was dependent on referrals only? Meaning you couldn’t do any marketing, you can’t do any ads. You can’t do anything to get new clients, except for get your current clients to bring new ones to you. How would you treat your clients differently if all future growth was dependent on them bringing in other clients.

And so, if you started with just those questions, those are not 10-minute, jot-down-a-couple-of-thought-questions. Those are 30-minute, with a pen and paper, one question per 30 minutes and really dig in to the answers, and you will find gold for your planning in 2022.

[00:26:19] Stephanie Liu: I love that. Those questions, do you usually do that with your business accelerator?

Is it annually? Is it quarterly? How do you hold them accountable when they’re working with you?

[00:26:29] Jairek Robbins: We have different levels. Our accelerator are people who are at 200 grand trying to get to a million. So, it’s a blend between strategy and tactical, we’re showing them specific things to do to drive their business forward. Strategic thinking, that’s where we bring in those types of thoughts. And we say, okay, let’s, let’s think about strategy here. Why aren’t you three times bigger than you are today? What’s the real obstacle between you and three times the size of your business? What’s the real obstacle between you and five times the profitability, and sometimes it’s courage.

Like, wow. I just don’t have the courage to go back to my clients and tell them I’m going to raise the price. I go, Ooh. Sometimes it’s courage around. I don’t have the courage to go tell that person who’s a pain in the butt on my team that they need to find another place to be a pain in the butt. Cause that’s costing you a lot of clients. It’s really ticking them off and calling them the weeds. There’s things like that, that come up where we find the real obstacle that’s in the way. One of the biggest problems is people oftentimes solve for the symptom and not the root cause. And so, here it comes. The symptom is, I don’t have enough customers.

The root cause is I haven’t created something that’s irresistible. No one wants to hear that. Everyone’s like, no, my baby’s beautiful. There’s ugly babies out there. Right. I hate to say it. Luckily, my kid was beautiful. I know your kid was beautiful. We were blessed, but there’s some ugly babies out there and no one wants to hear that their baby’s ugly, but it’s true.

And sometimes people have built a business that kind of has some little ugly to it that people don’t want to tell them. Cause everyone goes, oh, it’s kinda cute. And they use other words, but the truth is maybe their peer group doesn’t have the courage to tell them, you need to clean this up. This is not what people are dreaming of, or you’re promising one thing and delivering not that.

And I need to clean this up. And if you do clean this up, all of a sudden, these clients love you. And they think this is amazing and they think it would be insane to ever leave. And so, as we dig through that, it’s a combo between strategic thinking, which is solving the root causes of what’s really going on and then tactical.

How do you map out a week of your life? What does the worksheet look like and how do we map out your calendar? How do we say this is what fits and everything else is not yet. We use a system called majors and minors. It’s a reflection of OKRs and it’s really simple. If you look at your time, most businesses can handle probably two main things, maybe three kind of secondary projects.

And that’s it after day-to-day business. And so you can have them pick and prioritize where they’re going to invest their calendar space per quarter. And so, we have them do that in advance. We have a scoreboard that we have people track their revenue, their expenses, their net profit, and their giving.

I think giving is a major component of business. Going back to your very first question is what is a For Purpose Business? It’s a combination. Imagine the brain of Wall Street. Money, money, money that kind of stuff. Piles of profit. Piles of it. People go, oh God, my life just isn’t about money, Jairek I go, I know. I don’t think it is. Listen to the rest of it.

So piles of profit on one side, on the other side, my first job was in our family’s non-profit. I lived in a village in Uganda teaching organic farming for free for four months just to help people. Like I love helping people. Our company I’m blessed. We were able to rebuild an entire village, 18 homes, a school and a church in Fiji this year that got devastated by a cyclone earlier this year. We funded the whole thing with our partners. It was amazing.

Last year, rescued 24 kids and women and children at a sex trafficking. Like we love to give back. But in order to do that, we start with the brain, which creates piles of cash flow and profit. And we take that over to the heart and we reinvested in the people and projects that actually matter in the world, matter to us, things we care about.

And we don’t just give it to big organizations that are nonprofits. We give it directly to the people who need it in the time of need. And so, we love that part in the for purpose. My friend, Adam, taught me, this is when you take those two circles, like a Venn diagram and you overlap them, and you have the brain of money, money, money, kind of Wall Street stuff.

And you have the heart of a nonprofit world and you overlap those two. The place in the middle that goes overlap. That place is the For Purpose Business model that we work within. We want to do both. I want to make businesses and help businesses become wildly profitable and then take their profit and reinvest into the people and projects that really matter to them in the world.

[00:31:24] Stephanie Liu: Wow. Awesome. Thank you so much for sharing that. I love your thinking and how you break it down in terms and how everything is. You’re holding them accountable. You’re understanding their values. You’re making sure that they’re congruent really in everything that they’re doing, because there has to be a purpose.

And so the For Purpose Business. The way that you explained it, just perfection. So thank you, producer Mike for the sound effects. Always for the bar. So, Agency Accelerated friends, we’re getting close to wrapping things up with Jairek. So, I’ve just got one more question of my own that you definitely don’t want to miss.

We’ve been talking about measuring success. What that means, aligning values, becoming congruent in all it is that we do and also giving back. Cause it’s not always about profits, profit profits, right. But what we’re doing with that, how are we leaving a lasting legacy. While we’re hearing at it, but all of that, I would say requires the right mindset and attitude.

Right? So what are your top three tips for marketing agency owners to help them attain a growth mindset?

Number one, buy the book, Growth Mindset, and study it. Don’t just read it. Study every chapter. Study how to apply it in your own life. I have a simple philosophy, which is figure out what you want is step one.

Once you’re clear on that, learn everything you need in order to actually get that result. Go study it. Create your personal PhD plan. I had a roommate on semester at sea. His name was Bradley. And when I met him, he was really cool and flowy and this awesome dude. And I remember asking him like, oh, like, what are you studying?

And I study psychology. How about you? And he’s like, man, I’m getting my degree in love.

[00:33:04] Jairek Robbins: Okay, you can do that? And he’s like, yeah, like where do you go to school? He said, Berkeley. It makes a little more sense now that you say Berkeley, but you can get a degree in love? How do you do that? And he’s like, well, I’m in the Create-Your-Own degree category at Berkeley, where I come up with the curriculum and I come up with the books and courses and everything I’m going to do.

And then I needed approved by a faculty advisor. And as long as it’s approved and I’d do all the work, then I get to check off that I have my bachelor’s in love. I was like, okay, I didn’t know that was an option. No one told me you can do that. And so, I was wildly impressed. Well, Bradley went on to become a lawyer. Now he works in Los Angeles in law. So very smart guy, but I took that concept and I went, wait a second. No one told me I could do that back then. But now that I know what are the things I would like to have a PhD in life. And I sat down and I said, I’m going to create a 10-year curriculum, four years for the bachelor’s, you know, two, three years for the master’s, a couple of years for the PhD.

Let’s say, 10 years. I’m going to create a 10-year curriculum for myself to master this subject. And so, I’ve done it. I’ve done it in relationships. I’ve done it in business. Eight years into my business one, and I’ve done it in health and human performance. And so what I would say is, instead of just reading the book, if you really want to master your psychology, what if you created at least a bachelor curriculum, a four-year curriculum on mindset that you were going to study, perfect, read and practice? And so the first step is learn it. Learn everything you need to master the subject. Number two, is live it. I mean, if you go gather all the information, but you don’t apply it, what the heck is that for? What are you going to do with it? Keep it in your brain. Like you got to use it.

And so the real test, if you’ve really truly learned it is can you actually get the results yourself? Can you actually shift your mind to that growth mindset? Can you really step into a situation where a total disaster happens and you go, every failure is one step closer to a success? Like, can you believe it?

Can you feel it? Can you eat your own cooking? Can you really truly tap into what you’ve learned, if you can and you’ve really lived it and you’re walking and talking and moving, breathing version of it, then go to the third step, which is give it. Find a way to pay it forward, help others experience the bliss as well.

And so, in those three categories, I’ve done my personal version of a PhD program in relationships, health, and fitness. I’m eight years in I’m in my master’s on business, more or less in my little curriculum, but I’m eight years into that. Got two more to go, and each time I’ve done it, I’ve learned it, I’ve applied it in my own life.

I’ve gotten the actual real world results. And then, I built programs or courses to find a way to help other people experience it as well. And it’s worked, which is really cool. So my thought is how do you get that growth mindset? Create a curriculum over a significant period of time that actually is going to cause you to really learn it, live it, and then pay it forward and help others experience the bliss as well.

[00:36:16] Stephanie Liu: Learn it, live it and pay it forward. I feel like I need a shirt that’s branded as like branded much now.

Wait a second,

Jairek, this has been so much fun. Everything that you’ve said. I have pages and pages of notes. I always tell people sometimes when I have amazing guests, like you, I want to pay attention to everything. And I just kind of, I have to apply it, I have to write it down because once the episode ends, we’ll transcribe it and do all the things, but I have to learn and live it and apply it and do all the amazing things.

So Jairek, can you tell the folks where else they can find you? Where can they learn more about you?

[00:36:57] Jairek Robbins: You can go to my website, which is jairekrobbins.com. If you want to kind of follow along in the life journey, meet my son and wife and all my wonderful friends and watch me fall off surfboards, you can go to Instagram. It’s usually where I post all that fun stuff. But between those two places are usually the place to find me.

[00:37:16] Stephanie Liu: And so, for those of you that found a ton of value from today’s episode, just as much as I have the planning and processing questions, all of that wonderful stuff, head on over to the website.

There’s tons of stuff there. Even before the show, I was like, Ooh, this is really good. I really liked this. So head on over there. And then for all the, what’s it like to be Jairek and everything else, head on over to Instagram. All right friends. That’s all we have today, but don’t worry because as you already know, we have even more incredible shows coming up.

In our next episode, we’ll be talking to an amazing messaging marketing expert. You all know and love her. Kelly Noble Mirabella is going to help us extend our agency services into that innovative area. And we’ll wrap up the season, exploring how Wave.Video can help us create engaging content for clients.

And not only that though, but check this out. Next season, we’ll feature guests from Adobe, Ogilvy and so much more. So remember to subscribe to the calendar at agorapulse.com/calendar. If you want to be sure to catch our live episode, and if you enjoy podcasts listening, as much as I do, remember that Agency Accelerated is also available on all podcast channels, including Apple Podcast, Spotify and Amazon.

So subscribe, leave us a review, let us know what you thought, especially of this episode. And we’ll catch you next time. Thank you so much, everyone. .

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