We’re proud to announce that Agorapulse was ranked by G2 Crowd as a top performer amongst a dozen of the world’s top social media management tools!

This ranking is based on more than 350 user reviews written on the G2Crowd software review platform. Each user review is authenticated by a LinkedIn connect and is moderated by the G2Crowd team.

What does it say?

Together with Hootsuite and Grosocial.

likely to recommend

Agorapulse is going the right direction in terms of product development.

going the right direction

Agorapulse is ranked N°2 (out of 13 other platforms) in customer satisfaction.

Far ahead of much bigger contenders. Woot! 🙂

customer satisfaction

 Why we are so proud of this?

Well, earning a good grade has always made us happy, as far as we can remember… 🙂

This result is so meaningful to us because we’re fighting with much bigger contenders. With only 10 employees, Agorapulse has been able to obtain one of the highest user satisfaction scores against companies with hundreds, or even thousand of workers.

Wait until we grow our team to 20! 😉

This is about you, not about us

We owe this to you, our users and clients. You’ve believed in us from day 1, you’ve beared with us during those times when we were struggling to improve, and we love you you big time.

You deserve a big round of applause.

Rest assured that my awesome team and I will do our very best to stay on top of the crowd and continue to provide you with the best social media marketing tools while keeping them within your budget’s reach. This is, and will remain, our vision.

See you in April for our long awaited Twitter integration!

Read the full blog post on the G2Crowd blog

Check the official grid here: