Coming up with content ideas for LinkedIn can be a daunting task if you overthink. Don’t let it keep you up at night!

Whether you need to create LinkedIn posts for your own profile or for a client’s page, try these ideas to get people to read your posts and engage.

1. Share helpful articles from trusted resources

Curated content is always a good option when posting to your LinkedIn profile.

Look for trusted resources for your industry and when all else fails the following sources are good places to start when you want to share content that relates to business, entrepreneurship, leadership, and news

If you’re in the social media space, like us here at Agorapulse, some of our go-to curated content sources are:

You can also dig into social media newsletters that share the latest information. And don’t forget to branch out beyond social for content that is still creative, helpful, and—with a little introductory caption from you—can tie into the social space as well.

2. Use your original content from your blog

When creating LinkedIn posts, it’s a good idea to use your own original content from your professional blog.

Use LinkedIn to share your content and take advantage of the fact that LinkedIn sends nearly four times as much traffic to your website as Facebook and Twitter. If it’s proven that LinkedIn sends traffic to your home page – why would you want to miss out on that?

Agorapulse’s founder, Emeric Ernoult, shares posts from the Agorapulse blog on his LinkedIn almost every day!

3. Provide company news

LinkedIn is a professional social network. The keyword in that sentence is “professional” in case you missed it.

This is place where your connections want to read about what’s going on with your business.

Some ideas of company news updates you can post that people will actually read are:

  • Job Openings
  • Recent Hirings
  • Office Relocation
  • Expansions
  • Acquisitions
  • New Products or Services
  • Promotions and Sales
  • New Trainings or Certifications

This is not the place to post casual behind-the-scenes photos. Save the picture of you with your coffee mug for Instagram or Facebook.

Remember to keep LinkedIn a professional atmosphere. That’s not to say you shouldn’t “be yourself” BUT be your most professional self.

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4. Give industry tips

Showcase your expertise by sharing quick tips for your ideal client or customer. These posts do really well with a graphic attached so you can draw attention, but it’s not an absolute necessity.

Check out what coach Jackie Harder does in her LinkedIn posts:

LinkedIn Post Idea from Jackie Harder

Notice how Jackie, a success coach, gives tips about time management coupled with a question to get a conversation going.

She’s gotten several comments and likes on this post because it’s helpful and engaging to her ideal audience.

She can be seen as the expert in her industry by sharing tips like these that people actually want to read.

You can also get more ideas for drumming up sales with LinkedIn in this video:

5. Share meaningful quotes

When all else fails, quotes still reign supreme as the most shared content on social media. You do have to do a little homework when it comes to sharing quotes on LinkedIn though.

Remember to find quotes that adhere to your target audience, your industry, and what (and who) you want to be associated with moving forward.

If you share quotes that are abrasive in nature, you’re going to give off that vibe. If you share positive and uplifting quotes, you’ll give off that vibe.

And really, isn’t positivity what we want to see online? That’s a quote I know I’ll not only read, but share with my own community!


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LinkedIn Post Ideas That Will Stand Out From the Throng