Rachel Stephan

Rachel Stephan

Rachel Stephan

Our Guest

Rachel is an event marketing strategist, event tech startup founder and industry speaker on topics that cover event marketing and influencer marketing. When meeting planners and association professionals need to get more butts in seats, they call Rachel! She is a force to be reckoned with, whipping up creative solutions to event marketing challenges for 22+ years. Challenges… and opportunities… that apply to every business with employees.

Always looking for new ways to supercharge attendee acquisition, she used the experience from hundreds of campaigns to pioneer a new chapter in event marketing: the award-winning Snöball event marketing platform. The secret to her success – fueling clever, cutting-edge digital marketing tactics with the human-2-human values that the events industry is based on.

Key Takeaways

Check this audience statistic out.

98% of employees use at least one social media site for personal use, but only 50% post about their company.

And yet, we know that a recommendation from a friend or family member makes 83% of Americans more likely to purchase that product or service.

If word of mouth is that effective, and businesses have a treasure trove of employees and social channels to leverage… why aren’t they? What should that look like? Where do we get started?

I shared a moment ago that nearly every employee of your company has at least one social account, but that at least half aren’t talking about your brand online in any way.

That’s a problem, right?

The solution, though, is a bit tricky. We can’t force employees or our audience members to talk about us. And it’s not always easy, either. Do we send an email? A Slack message? Tag ‘em on company posts? How do we track whether they even do anything?

That’s exactly what our guest today, Rachel Stephan, is going to talk to us about.

Rachel is an event marketing strategist, event tech startup founder and industry speaker on topics that cover event marketing and influencer marketing. When meeting planners and association professionals need to get more butts in seats, they call Rachel! She is a force to be reckoned with, whipping up creative solutions to event marketing challenges for 22+ years. Challenges… and opportunities… that apply to every business with employees.

Partnership Unpacked host Mike Allton talked to Rachel about:

♉️ The importance of word of mouth marketing

♉️ Important considerations before partnering with your audience

♉️ How to get started in a way that is measurable and scalable

Full Transcript