A Change of View(s) (v7.70)

This release improves the way you see your inbox, listening, and publishing content.



Choose your date/time format. Make your publishing calendar work best for you. You can now choose either:

  • Sunday or Monday to start your week
  • 12-hour or 24-hour to indicate the time
  • mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy to indicate the date

Whatever you choose in your settings is individual to you and your style. So if you live in the USA and adjust your settings to the US time/day options, this won’t affect your teammate in, say, France, who prefers the European way of indicating time/day.

, A Change of View(s) (v7.70)

Thumbnail in Inbox and Listening. If an Inbox or Listening item contains a photo or video, we now display it as a thumbnail.

, A Change of View(s) (v7.70)

We also completed 16 bug fixes to make your social media management even easier.



Time of the Season” by The Zombies

Photograph” by Weezer