Update: Facebook Reactions Display and LinkedIn Comment Mentions (v8.30)


Display of each Facebook reaction on comments and posts. We now display the breakdown of Facebook reactions received on posts and comments. (Prior to this, we only listed “Likes.”) A great way to determine sentiment on each of your Facebook posts.

Please note: This is a read-only feature. At this time, you cannot use Agorapulse to give a Facebook reaction other than “Like” on a comment or post.

Business page mentions in LinkedIn comments. With this release, you can mention (tag) a LinkedIn business page in a comment.

Better experience for immediately publishing schedule or queued posts. We’ve implemented few UX changes to improve the flow of when you want to press the “Publish now” button on scheduled or queued posts.

If your scheduled/queued post doesn’t need approval from another team member, you’ll see a confirmation message saying “The post will be published shortly” after you press “Publish now.”

If you are an Admin or Editor on a social profile, and a scheduled/queued post needs your approval, you have the ability to both approve AND publish the post immediately with “Publish now.”

You’ll also see a “The post will be published shortly” confirmation message.


In this release, we’ve …

  • Disabled the location option when creating a post to Facebook or Instagram (as location cannot be added to video posts on these networks)
  • Fixed a few username mention picker issues
  • Improved in-app communication when one of your accounts is locked for technical reasons

… among other fixes to make managing social media even easier with Agorapulse.