If you’re thinking about taking your marketing agency and consulting services from part-time to full-time or have done just that in the past few years, there are many challenges, maintaining cash flow, building a team for the first time, acquiring new clients, and balancing the new team members, clients, and tech. To say nothing of trying to maintain actual work-life balance.

How are we supposed to manage it all?

In the recent episode of Social Pulse Podcast: Agency, Rachel Mattice offers some answers to those questions. You can listen to the full episode below or read on for some highlights.

Rachael Mattice is the founder of RM Creative Services and the host of the Big Vocalist Energy Podcast, where she helps amplify the names and all the stories of impactful brands and artists. With over 12 years of strategic content experience backed by data, she tunes in and tunes up brands and identity traits until they are show-stoppers. As a music maven, entrepreneur, and content creator, it’s her life’s purpose to shine a spotlight on the bold and provide her clients with the tools needed to succeed.

Mike Allton: I can’t wait to dig into this topic. But first, tell us about the work that you’re doing at RM Creative Services and the kinds of clients that you tend to serve.

Starting Your Own Agency

Rachael Mattice: At RM Creative Services, we are based in Los Angeles, California, and we’re a creative marketing agency and a production studio. We primarily offer social media and content creation services. But when I say content creation, I really do mean the full spectrum of content creation, from photography and video or short-form video to graphic design and even copy.

As far as like the clients that we serve, I would say that we primarily serve clients in the healthcare and health and wellness industry. But I would also say that we serve a lot of clients who are also artists, such as jewelry designers, fashion designers. We’ve also worked with illustrators or musicians.

So, we definitely have two different really target audiences there, but we’re a marketing agency and a production studio, and we’re here to give all of our clients, brands, and artists. Just incredible results.

Mike Allton: I love that you have such a huge array of services spanning this massive array of clients. Obviously that’s a reflection of you in a diverse background. You’ve got photography skills, design skills, marketing skills, PR skills. You obviously could have worked for just about any business.

What made you decide to actually start your own agency?

Rachael Mattice: I think that goes all the way back to when I first started my career. I went to Purdue University, and I studied Communication and Journalism. And so when I first got out of college, I was looking for positions, full-time positions, within Journalism or within Communications in general. And, so I’ve been fortunate enough to work in social media, in the news and journalism side, on the brand side, as well as the agency side, and all of my career touch points.

Working in marketing full time, I was always developing a side hustle as well.

One of my passions was Music Journalism or is Music Journalism. So while I had my day jobs in marketing and social media, I decided it wasn’t enough. I wanted to work even more, and I was writing stories about artists and musicians, as well as taking photographs of shows.

I also graduated around the time not long after the 2008 recession. To become a desirable candidate for marketing positions, you had to be a very well-rounded marketing and creative individual. You really had to know how to do multiple things in that spectrum in order to be hired for jobs.

I think it’s a bit interesting that whereas now some roles want you to have a very specific niche skillset. So as far as having all of this experience in different marketing areas, it just happened naturally because in my age group and demographic, we were just told you have to be skilled in all of these areas to be a desirable candidate to get the best job.

And so from there, I just leaned into it, and I really got into some of the PR side just from working in music journalism and working with artists and some very big-name celebrities. While also on the day job side working in marketing, I was really able to learn from some great mentors to develop the strategy side while also doing the hands-on day-to-day work of writing copy.

I have been a bit fortunate that I’ve gotten to develop that broader skill set, and it has been really beneficial in launching my own agency and launching my own company. And that’s really been a big part of my business model is that I do want us to become a full-service marketing agency at some point where we can also work on developing websites, for example.

But, one step at a time, of course, but I want clients to—and most of our clients do—book multiple services because we are that one-stop shop. We can work on your branding materials. We can develop your website copy. We’ll shoot your branding photos for your website. We’ll shoot social media content for you, for your Instagram account or your TikTok channels. And I think it’s always been very important to me to be able to offer that roadmap to clients. So that it’s easy and seamless, and we’re your go-to team for that.

Mike Allton: I think it’s really astute that you pointed out in the mid-2000s, digital marketing was such an immature industry that we were basically saying, “Hey, whatever digital marketing skills you can bring to the table, we’re going to hire you.” And so you wouldn’t need that broad set.

There wasn’t enough of any one individual area in development and maturity. Like social media, for instance, there wasn’t enough social media need back then to have just a full-time person doing nothing but social media. There weren’t a lot of channels in 2008, Facebook, you had LinkedIn, and so on.

Whereas today you could absolutely be a sought-after hire specializing in specifically digital marketing analytics or data and analytics or something along those lines. Very, very highly specialized. And I’m glad you brought that up. That’s something people should be keeping in mind.

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Advice for Starting Out In Your Career 

But I also want to ask you, I know you’ve got some advice around that time.

How should people be thinking about their careers?

Can you share that with us?

Rachael Mattice: Right around that same time frame when I graduated from college, I got my first job as a sales and marketing assistant working for an electrical manufacturing company. It was a interesting first job, but around that time, I was networking. I was trying to honestly just get advice from professionals and business owners who had more experience than me. And one business owner—I think he also owned like a communications agency—I specifically remember he was talking to me because his daughter was around my age or maybe a few years older and owned her own PR agency. And I was like, “Wow, that’s so incredible. Somebody not that much older than me is running her own business and working in PR. That’s fantastic.”

And he told me, “You are never going to be free unless you own your own business one day.”

I thought that advice was very mind-blowing for me at the time. Even though I was still young and just getting started in my career, I had already heard stories from other friends who had more experience and were at a company for 20 years, and they were laid off from their job.

They had a really difficult time finding a new job because of XYZ barriers. But one of them could have been their age—which I find extremely heartbreaking because after you give so much of your life and your professional life to a company, for them to just say, “Okay, thanks. Bye. Good luck.”

Your entire financial stability is laying in the hands of that company. Now, you’re kind of SOL, and your entire, maybe the next six months to a year, is going to be completely different now all of a sudden, because that financial security was taken out from under you without much warning.

Not as if being a business owner is a guaranteed success toward anything because it’s not. There’s a lot of risk in being a business owner. And I will also say our clients and customers are the ones who we rely on for business and income.

But that advice was very profound. Even years after that, I worked at a couple of those jobs I was talking about in on the agency side, the brand side, or the news side, where I was laid off, too, for one of the companies that I worked at—actually, the company where I met my husband—laid off our entire Communications department. And it was just devastating.

Dealing With Layoffs/Financial Instability

I know a lot of people are dealing with the struggles of the layoffs and the repercussions. But I don’t think enough discussion is had about just how people’s lives are impacted by those very broad decisions.

That advice really just changed how I looked at what my life and what my career could look like.

I made that executive decision at that moment where I said, “I am never going to leave my sole financial security in the hands of just one company ever again.”

Which is why, I also think, for folks who are building an agency or having a side hustle, it almost seems like a norm in 2024 now. People have multiple side hustles or multiple revenue streams on top of their main gig. Whether that is a full-time position at another company, or if they are a business owner because we were forced to get more creative with how we’re going to get income, we’re going to make our lives more enjoyable, more secure, more sustainable.

As Americans too, we’re sometimes forced in our culture that our lives are all about: We work to live and not live to work, or we live to work and not work to live. We want to be able to enjoy our lives outside of work. And being a business owner does give us more of those freedoms and being able to have the decisions to take off a Monday because you want a long weekend with your family, or if you have to take two hours in the afternoon to pick up your kids from school.

Those freedoms are what you get with owning a business. So, it was really important advice, and I think it was very smart advice, especially for just how the state of our business world has developed since then and especially in 2024 today, where it seems it’s almost impossible to find a really desirable candidate who doesn’t have some sort of side gig or side hustle going on to get more income.

Mike Allton: That advice that was applicable, then doubly applicable today.

So many tech friends that I know of who either, to your point, either had a side hustle already, or they find themselves laid off. Maybe they were blessed with several months of severance and think, “Well, you know what? Rather than going back to working for yet another big tech company that will do layoffs themselves in the next six to 12 months, I should probably start working on my own.”

Whether it’s something folks have been dreaming about for years or something that it just occurred to them due to these financial situations, a lot of them are starting these side hustles. A lot of them are trying to transition into full-time, but to your point, it’s not always everything it’s cracked up to be.

That in itself has some challenges inherent to it.

What were some of those challenges that you faced early on as you tried to develop this side hustle into a full-time gig?

Rachael Mattice: Some of the earliest challenges that I can think of when I was starting RM Creative Services, it definitely was the transition, of course: just saying no and finally cutting the cord with my full-time position to go full time into my agency because while I was building my agency, I still worked a full-time job for at least a year and a half, maybe two years.

I’ve never worked that hard in my life. It was very exhausting, and I don’t necessarily recommend it, but it is one of those things that if you’re going to be a business owner, you have to suck it up, and you’re just going to have to power through it.

But what got me through it is that I knew it was limited.

Because of my journalism background, I work well with deadlines and timelines. So if there’s an end goal, I’m going to power through working at my full-time job while I get the foundations in place for my agency. I’m going to do that for two years.

  • Keeping some emergency savings. Save up some emergency savings or funds or anything that you want to invest for your business. I did have a little bit of a cushion for income, for expenses.
  • Extremely long work weeks at the beginning. I was working evenings on the weekends and I had to sacrifice. and I think it was difficult because when you do have limited funds at the beginning, if you don’t have investors or anything like that to help get your first, expenses going, then that money has to come from somewhere.
  • Making wrong hiring decisions. And for me, it came from my own full-time work, but I made some wrong hiring decisions. I will say, I went the cheaper route with building my website at first, and it ended up costing me much more time and money in the long run, because I didn’t invest in hiring a strong website developer and designer.
  • Not knowing perhaps which expenses to prioritize. There were a couple of things that I thought maybe I could have waited a little bit longer to invest in that or to invest in XYZ.
  • Learning how to manage your time and in a different way than what you’re used to was the biggest struggle. Because like I said, I was working so much, and I had to sacrifice a lot social-life-wise, personal-wise to grow the agency, but also just sometimes going the cheaper route for some of these essential services that you need for your business. Like, getting your first legal documents in place, getting insurance, getting a business bank account, getting your website up and going. Some of these things are just non-negotiables, and you shouldn’t cut corners when it could end up costing you more money in the long run.
  • The legal side. Making sure you have contracts in place, policies, and procedures on your website. That’s important. You can’t cut corners on those things.

Mike Allton: There are a lot of challenges when we’re talking about starting an agency in this regard, where we’re faced with pains as an agency owner. Do we invest in this, or do we buy this tool? Do we upgrade? And it’s hard because most of the time, these are challenges we’ve never faced.

And so there’s not one good rule of thumb as to how to proceed with that. You got to wait two weeks or three months. It’s almost like you need to research each individual problem that you’re facing. “We have maxed out our CRM. We are trying to post every social network manually, whatever the case might be, whatever that pain is. We’re trying to create contracts right now. Do we really need a lawyer?”

You need to Google and talk to other agency owners for each one of those individual challenges.

And that in itself, I think is sometimes a challenge that agency owners face because we’re used to having a lot of the answers and it’s almost having to open us up and being a little vulnerable, right? To ask those kinds of questions?

Relying On People You Know

The one challenge you walked through that I think everybody faces universally is that we come from a full-time position where maybe we weren’t responsible for managing or hiring or firing other people. And that’s something that you said right off the bat was something that you struggled with.

How did you get through that? Did you turn to other people? Was it trial and error? What were some of the ways that you figured out, “Okay, this is how I hire people correctly?”

How do your hire people correctly?

Rachael Mattice: I will say that another thing that was very helpful for me at the beginning.

I think a lot of business owners—not just necessarily agency owners—might have to rely on some of their old colleagues/friends to help with a couple of these services to get that or to help with some of these expenses to get them off the ground.

For example, in my very first branding shoot for our website, photos and photography, I had my friends stand in as my potential clients that we were trying to stage in the photos, and my friends did this for me for free.

Sometimes, you have to be a bit more resourceful at the beginning. When it comes to my team members or people who still work in RM Creative Services today, a lot of those folks are people who I met in past jobs, and I nurtured those connections and those relationships for the last 10 plus years.

I’m just thinking of Briana, who was a writer on my team at one of my first jobs as content manager. And she still works with me today, and she was the first one I reached out to, asking, “Hey, Brie, do you want to help write blogs for myself and for clients?” And she, with no hesitation, said yes.

Most of the people in our production studio on our production team are people who I have met. Even in my music journalism world—several people actually—I met in the photography pit before a heavy metal concert, and I still work with them today. Many are still really good friends, and I do have a couple of other people on my team who, of course, were brand new. They were folks that were not in my world at all. Previously, I had to hire them just like any other way, posting a job description or on a job board, how to go through the interviewing process, have job descriptions together.

With those types of challenges, I think it’s helpful as an agency owner, even if depending on your area of expertise, even if you’re a copywriter, sometimes it is very difficult to write copy for yourself. It is difficult to take that step back and know what to do next for your own company. There’s no shame in that. It makes you a stronger leader and a better manager if you can identify, “I don’t have all the answers for this, but I’m going to hire somebody who does have the answers and is more experienced or help.”

As far as hiring a team, of course, you do have to make sure that your profit margins are going to be helpful enough so that you do have that money and that income and that revenue left over so you can hire the help that you need so you’re not as stressed out or overworked.

Take as long as you need to interview. If you have to have two interviews in place, or you want somebody else to be on that second interview to give know, positive feedback on the candidates. So that they will be a great person long term that you can work with. You have that power in the decision as the business owner to structure your hiring the way that you want.

I think it’s actually very empowering and smart for somebody to say, “This is an area I don’t have as much expertise in, but I’m going to hire one of the best people to do it for me.”

Mike Allton: I love that you just underscored one of those key principles that I’ve hit on time and time again and in all my other podcasts, which is that relationships are key to everything. Your net worth is your network.

As an agency owner, it’s doubly true because it’s not just about potential clients, which is a lot of times what we think of, “Oh yeah, you know, I’m networking so that I can build business.” But it’s also the help that you can potentially bring into your business, whether it’s people you’re literally hiring or turning to for a photo shoot.

So, tell us now today, what are some of the things that you’re doing to scale your agency? You hinted that earlier that you’re looking to go into full service. I would argue that you’re already full service but apparently, there are avenues of marketing you haven’t quite yet brought in. Tell us about that. How are you scaling today?

Expanding Your Agency (Going Bigger-Scale)

Rachael Mattice: Ever since we launched the business, I’ve made a couple of different changes in our strategy, but definitely some good recommendations or strong recommendations for people who are also looking to start their business is having a very solid sales strategy. You can rely on referrals, but referrals will only go so far. And if you are really looking to scale to keep getting different types of clients or more clients, or whatever your specific goal is, it’s really important to have a solid sales strategy that also fits. and run to your marketing strategy.

As far as how we are scaling today. I’m tackling a couple of different goals. I still consider us relatively new.

  • Brand Awareness. Just getting more eyeballs out there on who we are is still existing. And we think that’s a very big priority. In fact, our podcast Big Vocalist Energy was there to help with that specific goal, as well on top of our blog and other just different content marketing strategies. But we have a full omnichannel, robust marketing strategy that does have both marketing services for the agency side, but also I have a personal branding strategy that I’m building into this, including things like this, Mike, like getting on podcasts, speaking engagements, teaching opportunities. I’m actually giving—for the second round—another Q&A and training next Monday in a group coaching program that I’ve now been a part of for about a year and a half, and I give marketing and social media tips to health and wellness business owners. We have a couple different sides to that, but definitely the omnichannel marketing strategy paired with a rather more aggressive sales strategy is just how we are starting to move the needle.
  • Collaborations. I would also say collaborations. I love collaborating with other artists, other businesses. If we can mutually benefit and grow together, why not? And we love doing that with our blogs and again with our podcasts. But I’ve seen a lot of growth with our clients, and even with us when we do focus on collaboration. And there’s a lot of that community aspect in there as well, right? People, especially business owners, want to have a sense of community.
  • Peer Connecting. It can be a bit lonely out there, too, because we are the main person running the show, we want other peers to talk to you about what we’re going through. So, I’ve been focusing a lot more on my personal brand building this last year with different types of speaking engagements, training opportunities, even kind of delving into the virtual trainings. And some people like to still do courses or digital products.
  • Training. And we have a couple of those, but we also have some low-cost trainings for fellow small business owners. It’s definitely multi-tiered, but that’s really what you need to do to tackle just keeping your revenue up, recurring, and so that you can keep pursuing some of these other bigger initiatives that you want to do potentially in the future.
  • PR. As far as our own public relations opportunities, I’ve dived into that a little bit as well, but I think that’s also a potential opportunity for us a little bit later down the road—or at least in another couple of years.

Mike Allton: I love, Rachael, that you really pulled out and underscored the point about having a robust sales process.

Many of us, myself included, started doing marketing on the side because that’s what we were good at. We were good at marketing, which is not the same as sales. We almost have this unconscious misperception that if I’m just really great at marketing, people are going to just come to me and they’re going to throw their money at me.

And it doesn’t work that way, particularly, when you have to have a team in place, which requires pipeline and as you so rightly pointed out, predictable revenue streams. That’s challenging. That’s something everybody needs to spend time figuring out, I think.

Rachael Mattice: 100%. And it could even be one of those things that you realize a bit later, hopefully not, but yes, you could be the best marketer in the world, but even if you’re starting fresh new accounts or anything, it’s going to take a bit of time to get those wheels turning.

And when you’re in the business world, you may not always have that time to wait for your marketing to work, which is why you do need that solid sales strategy. You do have to be proactive and go out there and find clients sometimes too.

I don’t think people always talk about that because, especially on social media, you see always just the success stories about how well their lead magnet is bringing in and converting email list subscribers or things like that.

Well, that’s great. That’s fantastic. But if you’re starting out, or let’s say even you’re just in a bit of a slump in your industry, you need to fall back on your sales strategy. Be proactive, step into those shoes, and get your automations in place. Get your sales system in place, and set a goal. You’re going to reach out to 20 new brands or 20 new contacts each week. Stick to it, and that’s how you’re going to grow. And I think you’ll also be a little bit less resentful if your marketing does take a bit longer to give you the that ROI.

Measuring ROI

Mike Allton: I love that you’re talking about social media and ROI, because one of the things I always love to talk to agencies about is how are they measuring ROI from social media for their clients. Because this is an area where a lot of agencies have struggled. A lot of business owners have struggled. Why am I even doing social media? I can’t tell if it’s doing anything for my business.”

And you can answer this however you’d like, but I’m really curious …

How you guys are measuring ROI or business impact from social media today?

Rachael Mattice: I think at the end of the day, for clients that we serve and fellow business owners, they want to see the leads in the sales that come from social media, but social media is not meant to be.

I don’t think social media is meant to be a direct conversion-driven sales channel. It’s not. It’s social media—it’s meant to be driving awareness.

When more business owners understand that—or if they don’t work in social media and they don’t really grasp that yet, they will come to that conclusion eventually—but when it comes to other ROI, I always tell clients, “Measure your progress and not necessarily the destination.” If you’re a small business owner and you have a limited budget to invest in social media, you’re going to want to focus on perhaps one channel or two channels, tops, because you don’t have the time or the bandwidth or the resources necessarily to build out five channels at the same time.

I always tell clients, especially if they’re just starting out with their business: Focus on one channel to grow first, perhaps, and you can look at some of the most important metrics to gauge whether or not people find your content valuable, like saves, views, and shares.

If we’re talking about Instagram, specifically, it could be how many story replies or story interactions you’re getting, as well as just DMs.

Are people asking you questions? Are they interacting with you? Or is your content prompting them to send you a direct message to ask more? Those are all small day-to-day metrics that we keep track of for clients. And we do help educate them and make sure that they know this carousel post, 60 people saved it, or 5,000 people saved it. This was really, really impactful. We should.

We’re going to be looking at doing more topics like this, or maybe we structured the copy around this a little bit differently. So as, I mean, the goals and ROI for social media will vary depending on the type of business that you have.

Also, we want to gauge is social media driving website traffic? Is it driving email list subscribers? Are you are you converting and getting people to click? So if you’re looking for a way to get people to click onto your website or getting them to click into your email list, so you do want to take a look at: Is my social media converting to the next stage of my marketing funnel?

Yes. Great. They signed, they went to my website, they booked a discovery call for my service, or they signed up for my email list where I can then introduce them to more to my company and start nurturing them to potentially become successful or get sales from them.

Those are a couple of just the day-to-day metrics that we look at to gauge whether or not just the basic content is resonating with client audiences or not. And then there’s more of the conversion, the long term metrics, as well as website traffic or email list signups. And then of course there is the sales aspect. You can get direct sales from social media. especially if you’re a clothing designer or you’re a fashion business, people want to shop and make it extremely easy. One-click or two clicks on TikTok, on Pinterest, on Instagram, and there you go. There’s a sale for this latest jewelry collection that you just launched.

It really does just depend on the type of business you have, the types of products or services that you’re selling. Are there foundations that are universal for most businesses?

But it’s definitely a couple of different levels there. You again have your day-to-day metrics, your saves and shares that are super important to gauge, but also some of those more long-term goals, like we do eventually want to get them to sign up for an email list or to download a lead magnet or to eventually make that purchase.

Mike Allton: One of the things that at Agorapulse that we do is we advise people how to set up Google Analytics and GA4 specifically so that you make sure that you’ve got conversion tracking for every single one of those kinds of activities. Everything Rachael just said is super important.

Whether it’s making an actual purchase, that’s easy. Google tracks that by default most of the time, but what if they sign up for your email list or what if they download an ebook that you are offering or your client was offering?

Those are important metrics to track and potentially value because somebody who signs up for an ebook today, the hope is that someday down the road, they become the owner, a customer, and there’s a value associated with that. Whatever that dollar amount is, you can divide the total number of sales that you made from ebook downloads by the total number of ebook downloads and get an average value for every single ebook download or whatever webinar signup newsletter subscription. And you could put all that into GA4 and start to get actual revenue attribution inside of Google Analytics. And of course, we pull all that into Agorapulse.

So, if you’re sharing some of those things on social media, you can make that connection. I also appreciate that you brought up how retail can expect to drive a lot more revenue.

In fact, we have an entire podcast, Social Pulse Podcast: Retail Edition. That’s all about how we can better leverage Social media to drive revenue for retail businesses. We’ve got guests like Feedonomics and Jenn Herman and Microsoft and so on. So if you’re in the retail space, some of your clients in the retail space, check that podcast out.

Best Resources to Watch

Rachel, I’ve got just one more question for you.

We’re talking about social media. You’re mentioning things that were new a year or two ago, and there’s all kinds of stuff happening all the time. So, how are you keeping up? What are just a couple of resources could be a blog, podcast, or individuals that you turn to stay abreast of what’s happening today?

Rachael Mattice: I definitely think, especially in social media marketing and just marketing in general, where the landscape changes so quickly, it’s important to keep up with the social media news.

So, I love still following Social Media Today, Social Media Examiner.

I love the weekly updates email blasts. I know that not everybody who I work with is going to care about the latest I don’t have the latest feature that has been added to Threads or the latest features that are added to Instagram. But how I take that information is, “Okay, is this going to impact a lot of my clients or my audience? Do they really need to know about this? What are the long-term changes or repercussions that could impact them?

If there is an update or a piece of social media news like that, I will, of course, then share it with my audience, and I’ll tell them this is the potential impact that you can expect.

I love going to Social Media Examiner and Social Media Today. They’re fantastic for putting all of that timely news together for us. But I also have really been leaning more into Threads. I really like Threads a lot because I actually find a lot more of my peers on Threads and people from, of course, all around the world. But I’ve really found a lot of marketers on there and right now it’s still pretty easy to find new connections and find those people. So there are, I’d say, industry experts or people who I look up to that I also follow, and I love their advice, and they’re also producing great content that I’ll share it with my audience too, because I also have come to know and trust and respect their advice.

There are a couple of folks. There are a few fellow marketers who I know have been working in social media and marketing for 15, 20, 20+ years, and I want them to know I am so glad that they’re giving out great content and advice still because I wish they would have been my director when I was still working full time. But definitely still going to Social Media Examiner, Social Media Today. I follow peers on Threads, and I like LinkedIn a lot, too. There are some great groups on LinkedIn. Even some good Facebook groups too, that I belong to. And we talk about just latest things that are happening in social media or in marketing or just things that are going on with our clients.

I remember a couple of weeks ago, Mike, the Agorapulse community group, they were talking about whose clients are working on April Fools’ content this year? And I love that question, because a lot of people were like, “I don’t know, a lot of our clients aren’t really doing April Fools’ content.” And so I love Agorapulse and the community and all the folks who work there as well because I stay in touch with everyone there, as well through Facebook groups or LinkedIn groups.

Getting Connected With RM

Rachael, this has been a fantastic interview. Thank you so much for sharing all of your time, of course, but also your insights and some of the past struggles. For those who want to learn more about you or your agency, where can they go to find out?

Rachael Mattice: If anybody watching would like to connect with me, you can find me on LinkedIn, at Rachael Mattice Content, or you can always just Google RM Creative Services on LinkedIn. Our handle is the same across all of our social media platforms, @rmcreativeservices. We are on Instagram, we’re on Threads, on Facebook, as well as even Vimeo because we are a production studio. So we have a lot of video content.

Otherwise, you are also welcome to visit our website directly at rmcsofficial.com, where you can learn more about us or sign up for our email list.

Mike Allton: Fantastic. That’s all we’ve got for today, friends, but I know you’re going to love listening to the rest of our podcast episodes in the future. So be sure to subscribe and please find us on Apple and leave us a review. We’d love to know what you think. Until next time.

Thank for listening to Social Pulse Podcast: Agency Edition, where each and every week we’re talking to marketing agencies like you, going through many of the same struggles you’re going through and sharing their stories. Subscribe to find in each episode, inspiration, motivation, and the perspiration that go into growing and scaling agencies like yours.

Scaling From Side-Hustle Start-up to Full Time Suite