Until June 2012, all Facebook Page Administrators were created equal. Everyone had complete access to a page and all managerial functions — posting, moderating, creating ads, measuring, etc. This was just fine if you were the page owner, but what happened when you wanted to share the work with your colleagues, your intern, or even worse — your agency’s intern? It was quite the headache!

Since June, however, Facebook has added 5 new roles that will make your life MUCH more easier. This article is going through these roles, to clarify what they can do for you, but also what they can’t do (and when you will still need a 3rd party Facebook Page management software).


Quick review of Facebook built-in admin roles management feature

Let’s start with the Manager role. The old “Admin” is now the Manager, or you can think of this person as the “Master Admin” of the page with all the same rights as before.

Content Creators have the same rights with two big exceptions. First, they cannot name or ban other Admins. Second, they cannot delete the page (Whew!).

Moderators can respond to fan posts, comments, and messages, which is perfect for someone dealing solely with content moderation and support. However, they don’t have access to the entire Admin panel.

The Advertiser role is perfect for the agency in charge of your Facebook Ad campaigns in that they can ONLY create Page ads and access Insights.

Insights Analysts have access only to what their name implies. Period.

For our more visual readers, here’s another way of breaking it down.


Of course, we wouldn’t be Agorapulse if we weren’t compelled to add our two-cents.


Can you rely on Facebook default admin roles or do you need more flexibility?

We have to admit that this new feature is a great one. As an agency, we have always had trouble trying to be named Admin of our clients’ Facebook Pages when it was necessary in order to create ads, report on insights, etc. And we understood their trepidation! Now, it will be easy to do our job done without clients stressing about an arm-long list of Admins they have no control over.

Also, businesses usually want final say in what gets posted on their page. This is a very common scenario when large brands work with several different agencies at once. Unfortunately, such ‘super admin’ approval capability is still not addressed by Facebook role management. Maybe that will change in the near-future?

Until then, the best option for your Facebook Page Admin roles management is to use a 3rd Party application. Within Agorapulse, we are offering two ways of handling admin roles. The first possibility is simply to synchronize with the roles you have assigned to your admins directly on Facebook. If you choose to keep that default option, your admins will have the same rights on your Agorapulse Page Manager as they have on Facebook.

Facebook admin roles Agorapulse 1

However, the 5 “packaged” roles that are available on Facebook will not offer enough flexibility if you want to give very granular access and right management to your team members.

Let’s say, for example, that you want one admin to assign posts and comments but not to edit or delete them? Or that you want that same admin to propose a response to a comment but want to be able to review and approve it before it goes live on your Timeline? Facebook’s default roles will not give you that flexibility, but Agorapulse will!

This is the only way to create a publication (or moderation) workflow among an existing team as you can manage each member’s role and rights action by action and feature by feature :

Facebook custom admin roles and rights

This kind of granular role / right management feature is probably only useful for bigger Facebook pages and large moderation team, but it can also be used by agencies to co-create content with their client and make sure that everyone gets involved in the approval process.

In your situation, is the default Facebook role management enough or do you need more?