As any good marketer knows, choosing the right social media management tool is pivotal in orchestrating a successful online presence. And these days, there are a dizzying amount of options in the social media management space to choose from, making the process even more difficult.

To help you narrow down your options, we are taking an in-depth look at the pricing of Sprinklr, a popular software platform for many enterprise brands across the globe.

With four different product suites, Sprinklr certainly seems at first glance to have everything you need (and then some.) However, it’s essential to explore to ensure you’re investing in the right social media management platform for your business. (And because we’re a competitor, we like to know how Agorapulse stacks up against Sprinklr as well.)

Want just the highlights? Here’s what you need to know at a glance about Sprinklr pricing.


  1. Sprinklr has two options for pricing plans: Advanced and Enterprise. While they don’t offer publicly list the price for the Enterprise plan, the Advanced plan will run you a total cost of $3,588 for the year…. As long as you only need one user account.
  2. Additional seats for the Advanced plan will be an extra $299 per user, per month tacked on to your bill. (Which can only be paid annually, by the way.)
  3. Here’s the kicker: Sprinklr’s Advanced plan does not come with any technical support. No email, no chat, no phone calls—nothing.  Which doesn’t seem like a fair trade off for the thousands of dollars you’ll end up paying them.

But let’s get into the details a bit more, and you can decide that for yourself.

What Is Sprinklr?

Sprinklr considers itself to be an enterprise tool in a category of its own making, which they have dubbed, “Unified Customer Experience Management.”

What does that mean? Good question.

According to the Sprinklr website, a Unified CXM refers to: ​A single-platform strategy that connects your company’s brain with its body, enabling all customer-facing teams to collaborate and take action in sync.

Not coincidentally, Sprinklr also claims to be the only platform that fits into this category.

Sprinklr pricing home page

Sprinklr home page

But when you look into things, Sprinklr’s “Unified CXM”, is actually four separate product suites:

  1. Sprinklr Service
  2. Sprinklr Insights
  3. Sprinklr Marketing
  4. Sprinklr Social

And each of those product suites has within it separate products. All together, there are exactly 33 different Sprinklr products, according to their website.

sprinklr pricing options

Too many Sprinklr variants

Sprinklr pricing

Yep. 33 different products. That seems far from being unified, if you ask me.

Sprinklr Pricing Overview

Now as if too many choices wasn’t confusing enough already, looking for the price of Sprinklr is even more confusing.

There is only one price listed that I could find on the Sprinklr pricing page, and that is for the Advanced plan of Sprinklr Social. There doesn’t appear to be any basic plans.

The only other “option” listed on the Sprinklr pricing page is to book a demo to learn about the Enterprise plan. Unsurprisingly, there is no price listed for an Enterprise plan, as they are tailored for each customer.

Now, let’s take a look at the Advanced plan of Sprinklr Social, and what it entails.

Sprinklr’s Advanced Plan

The advanced plan in Sprinklr Social is priced at $299 USD/month—but only if you pay annually. There doesn’t appear to be any sort of monthly pricing option either, meaning that you are forced into paying for the entire year in advance. This means you are looking at an upfront payment of $3,588 for the year.

However, things get expensive once you realize that this plan only comes with one seat. And additional seats don’t come at a discounted rate either. They will cost you another $299 per additional seat, per month. So even for a small team of just three people, you’d be looking at an upfront payment that is just north of $10,000 USD.

You’d hope for that price you are getting everything and the kitchen sink. But when you look at things closer, you’ll see that some key features that you’d find in other social media management platforms (like Agorapulse) are noticeably absent from Sprinklr.

For example, one of the most loved features of Agorapulse is shared calendars. This feature allows you to draft your social media content and share it with external users that don’t have access to Agorapulse. These users can view the scheduled content you assign to them, accept or reject it, or even add comments and assign it back to you, the creator.

Typically, this works well if you’re an agency having one or more clients and you want them to review the content you’re scheduling on their behalf (without having to pay for additional seats). Sounds pretty handy, right?

Well, tough luck because no such feature exists in Sprinklr. So you best be prepared to shell out another $299 every month for every person that will need to approve content.

Once you dig into the Sprinklr advanced plan even further, you’ll begin to notice that the majority of the features included can also be found in Agorapulse for a fraction of the cost.

You’d get all of that and more with Agorapulse’s advanced plan, which is just $119 per user per month (when paid annually). To add additional users to Agorapulse, you will pay $119 for each extra user that you need – still far less than the cost of Sprinklr.

agorapulse vs sprinkle

Agorapulse vs Sprinklr (comparison chart in G2)

Sprinklr Pricing vs Agorapulse Pricing

Let’s break down an example of what the cost would look like for a social media team of five people using Agorapulse, when compared to Sprinklr’s pricing plan.

Agorapulse’s advanced plan is $119/month for each user, so that works out to $595 per month.

So when all is said and done, with Agorapulse you’d be paying a mere $7,140 for the entire year, for a team of five people. ($595 x 12 months = $7,140)

Now let’s look at the cost for Sprinklr, given the same circumstances … Sprinklr’s cost for five users at a rate of $299/month means you’ll need to pay a whopping $17,940!

Basically, by choosing Agorapulse you’d be saving over $10,000.

So what’s the catch?

There isn’t one! (By the way, you can see for yourself with a free 30 day trial of Agorapulse, no strings attached.)

Now this isn’t to completely discount Sprinklr Social. The platform does have many great qualities, particularly when it is combined with the rest of their product suite. But for many brands, the various bells and whistles in Sprinklr just really aren’t needed to manage social media effectively.

Having all these extra options could even wind up making things more complicated than they need to be. At least that is the opinion of some user reviews on G2, which note that Sprinklr Social is “isn’t user-friendly at all.”

Sprinklr pricing review

Sprinklr review by an actual user

What’s even more concerning is that with the Advanced plan, which is marketed as a “self-service” plan, you are not given access to any technical support from Sprinklr.  That’s right … zilch. Nada.

In fact, in the terms and conditions associated with the Sprinklr self-service plans, it says “they are not obligated to provide any technical support at all.” And then they expressly state that you are NOT to open support requests or even contact Sprinklr to request help with questions or problems experienced using their platform.

The paragraph in question states:

“The Sprinklr Lite Services provide an opportunity for current and potential Sprinklr customers to experience Sprinklr services without the cost and time involved in an enterprise rollout. As part of use of the Sprinklr Lite Services, you agree that Sprinklr is not obligated to provide any technical support, phone support, or updates for the Sprinklr Lite Services or for any Sprinklr program accessed or used under this Agreement. As a User, you agree not to open support requests, use Sprinklr support channels (other than those found within the Sprinklr Lite Services), or otherwise contact Sprinklr to request assistance with questions or problems experienced during the use of the Sprinklr Lite Services under this Agreement.”

So basically, you only get access to their support team if you are on the enterprise plan.

Sprinklr Social’s advanced plan is only a good option if you don’t think you’ll need any technical support. Which seems like a pretty unlikely scenario, as some G2 user reviews flat out state that the platform is difficult to learn and requires a lot of setup on the backend for it to work properly.

sprinklr review

another Sprinklr user review

The lack of access to technical support on Sprinklr’s self-service plan seems like a pretty big dealbreaker, if you ask me.

This is in stark contrast to how we do things at Agorapulse. In fact, we have one of the best support teams in the industry, according to many user reviews found on G2, TrustRadius, and Capterra.

agorapulse support

Agorapulse support

Depending on the plan you have at Agorapulse, you will receive varying levels of support access. Here’s how it breaks down:

agorapulse support levels

Agorapulse support levels at a glance

But no matter the plan you choose, you still will receive a prompt response from our support team at Agorapulse. And having technical support available when you need it is something you really can’t put a price tag on.

Who Sprinklr Is For

As mentioned above, Sprinklr Social really works best when it is used in conjunction with their other product lines, particularly the Sprinklr Service platform. These two products together create a fairly advanced customer support and ticketing platform that can help simplify handling incoming customer support requests on social media, email, or text.

Sprinklr pricing

Some of the more unique features of Sprinklr Social include the ability to create and assign tasks and color code your content calendar, much akin to a project management platform. So if you are looking for more of a customer support/project management solution, this might be the product for you. But if what you really are after is an intuitive and effective social media management tool, you may want to consider some other options. (Of course, we recommend Agorapulse!)

Who Sprinklr Isn’t For

The cost to use Sprinklr Social, even on the self-service “Advanced” pricing plan, is steep and makes the platform out of reach for many small and even mid-market businesses.

But aside from the high price of the platform, Sprinklr probably isn’t an ideal choice for your business if you need any of the following:

  • Multiple user profiles
  • An intuitive and easy to use product
  • Access to technical support
  • Shared calendars
  • Posting to LinkedIn personal accounts
  • Product tagging on Instagram posts
  • Instagram grid view
  • Canva integration

So if you are looking for a product that has all of those features built right in, Sprinklr is going to fall short.

But luckily, there is a platform that has all of the above features and more, for less than half the price of Sprinklr. Give Agorapulse a try and see for yourself. Grab your free trial of Agorapulse today to see how it can help simplify social media management.

Is Sprinklr Pricing Really Worth It?