Introducing Facebook post boosting – directly through Agorapulse!

We're thrilled to announce a game-changing update to Agorapulse that's set to boost the way you manage your Facebook marketing. Say hello to our newest feature: Direct Facebook post boosting! [...]

Elevate your social media management with our Salesforce and HubSpot integrations

We're excited to unveil Agorapulse's CRM Integration with Salesforce and Hubspot, a vital feature that seamlessly connects your Social Inbox with your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. This integration offers new ways to engage with your social media audiences and manage relationships more effectively across your CRM. [...]

Publish Instagram collaborative posts 🤝

You can now create collaborative Instagram posts directly from Agorapulse. When creating your post, head over to the Instagram options and activate "Invite collaborators." [...]

Pinterest publishing is here!

Agorapulse is very excited to announce our integration and partnership with Pinterest. This was our users’ biggest request and we are happy to introduce this powerful network as a scheduling option. Users can now add Pinterest accounts to cross-post alongside their other social networks avoiding the need to manage Pinterest on its own. While building [...]

Connect your Google Analytics 4 account to Agorapulse!

Agorapulse now supports integration with Google Analytics 4. By combining analytics on your social media performance and website analytics from Google Analytics 4, our Social Media ROI feature creates unique reports that showcase the real value that your social media strategy brings to your business. Read more about our integration in this post. [...]

Agorapulse is now integrated with TikTok!

The time has come: Agorapulse TikTok integration lets all stakeholders collaborate around a TikTok content calendar, schedule videos and auto-publish them, manage comments in inbox, and access reports. To start using TikTok, simply connect your TikTok account to Agorapulse. You can connect one or multiple accounts. [...]